The extra-curricular activities such as fetes and cheese and wine evenings pretty much ceased during the 1970s, when WADS went back to two productions a year and nothing else, except for in 1975, when junior WADS also staged a play - Johnny Salter by Aidan Chambers, and the following year, when there was only one production. 

The seventies saw a number of playwrights whose plays had been performed in the previous decade revisited by WADS for different works - Eden Phillpotts, Peter Blackmore and Michael Pertwee. Also, in 1979, WADS performed Charlotte Hastings’ Bonaventure for the second time (the first being in 1962). And in 1975 and 1978 the company put on two different Noel Coward plays. 

In 1970 itself, WADS stages Yellow Sands by Eden Phillpots and A Letter from the General by Maurice McLaughlin.